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4610 Children thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When something goes wrong and none of the kids will admit to doing it, punish them all. They either did it or knew about it so you get 'em either way.
Kevin Stiles, Production Supervisor, Madera, CA, USA
(8) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-05-13)
Current Rating: 6.7 out of 10 based on 13 reviews
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5122 Uncategorized thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
To get a layout approved by your boss, put something ridiculous in the design (aka a 'blue duck'). When he says 'I think we can improve this if we take out the blue duck' act like he's the second coming of David Ogilvy and commend him on his sharp sense of marketing. It's a guarantee he'll sign-off on it. Especially after he 'fixed' it.
Peter DuCharme
(4) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-09)
Current Rating: 7.3 out of 10 based on 13 reviews
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3 Gambling thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When replica horloges you're playing blackjack, assume that any unseen card is an 8.
Norman Brenner, Fleetwood, New York
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.5 out of 10 based on 159 reviews
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259 Astronomy thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Hoping to find samples of cosmic dust, NASA scientists carefully inspect tiny particles captured by high-flying planes. They have a rule of thumb: If a particle is large enough to see without a microscope, it is probably contamination of their sample and not extraterrestrial debris.
Dr. Uel Clanton, associate curator for cosmic dust, Johnson Space Center
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.0 out of 10 based on 17 reviews
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771 Games thumb thumb thumb thumb
To avoid looking like a beginner, plan on spending $20 the first time you play a video game. If you don't have $20, watch someone else play $20 worth.
Trevor Poole, video game hotshot
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.2 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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1027 Movies and Film thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If a TV movie starts out badly and has not improved by the first commercial, it won't.
Eleanor Benelisha, library and information services, Richmond, California
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.6 out of 10 based on 23 reviews
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1283 Insects thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
It is important to leave enough honey in a hive to feed your bees through the winter. One rule is: Leave ten pounds of honey for each month that winter lasts in your area.
Larry Meyer, beekeeper
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.8 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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1539 Real Estate thumb thumb thumb thumb
When converting apartments to condominiums, you must be able to sell the condos for twice the price you paid for the apartment building, or you won't make any money.
Vince Mooney, real estate broker, Tulsa, Oklahoma
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.4 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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1795 Fruit thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
A bushel of apples will make slightly more than three gallons of cider.
Martin Stillwell, farmer
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 6 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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2051 Fish thumb thumb thumb thumb
You can estimate the weight, in pounds, of a Northern Pike by cubing its length, in inches, and dividing by 3,500.
Phil Johnson, State University of New York in The New York State Conservationist, Albany, New York
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.4 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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2307 Stock thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
For a young company going public that hasn't produced much in the way of earnings, look at the ratio of its total offering price to its annual sales. This market-capitalization-to-sales ratio generally exceeds 2.7.
Francine Schwadel, staff reporter, quoting various experts in The Wall Street Journal
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.9 out of 10 based on 14 reviews
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