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123 Gambling thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
To calculate the odds of getting a certain roll from a pair of dice, take the difference between the number you want and 7, then subtract the result from 6. This will tell you how many chances in 12 you have of winning.
Paul A. Delaney, meteorologist, Beltsville, Maryland
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.5 out of 10 based on 24 reviews
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124 Fasteners thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Install a rivet at least one and a half times its diameter from the edge of the piece it is in.
Mike Bauer, sheet metal worker
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.8 out of 10 based on 18 reviews
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125 Exercise thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If your exercise is not pain-free after an injury, your injury will get worse.
Peggy Bodine-Reese, physical therapist, Gaithersburg, Maryland
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.2 out of 10 based on 23 reviews
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126 Cattle thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When starting out, raise the same breed of cattle as your neighbors. Specialize later, when you have experience.
Ken Scharabok, financial manager, Dayton, Ohio
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 6.1 out of 10 based on 21 reviews
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127 Precipitation thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When a cow scratches its ear, a shower is very near. When it thumps its ribs with its tail, look out for thunder, lightning, and hail.
Dean Sheridan, electronics technician and deaf actor, Torrance, California
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 4.9 out of 10 based on 21 reviews
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128 Exploration thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Plan on 1 reindeer for every 75 pounds of supplies.
Brendon Rehm, military historian, Fairfax, Virginia
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.5 out of 10 based on 25 reviews
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129 Automobiles thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If a mechanic tells you that you hit a pothole and need a new wheel or other part, check it out with another mechanic.
Martin M. Bruce Ph.D, psychologist, Larchmont, New York
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.6 out of 10 based on 35 reviews
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130 Boats thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
To gauge the speed of another boat, choose a point on the horizon that is behind the other boat and check how its bow moves relative to this point. If its bow appears to move ahead of the point, the other boat is moving faster than yours; if its bow appears to move backwards, your boat is going faster. If there is no relative movement, and your boats are on intersecting courses, you're in for a collision.
Evan Gamblin, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 6.5 out of 10 based on 28 reviews
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131 Birds thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Study the bird, not the field guide. The bird will fly away. The guide won't.
Christine Jones, birdwatcher, San Francisco, California
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 6.8 out of 10 based on 37 reviews
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132 Architecture thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
A superinsulated house should have 12 square feet of windows for every 100 square feet of floor. At least two-thirds of the windows should be facing south.
Phillip Close, builder
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 5.8 out of 10 based on 27 reviews
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133 Antiques thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
One out of five items costing under $75 that you buy at a garage sale will end up in your garage sale within the next 1.5 years.
Steven M. Keisman, New York City high school resource coordinator
(LR) Legacy Rule of Thumb from previously published collections
Current Rating: 6.5 out of 10 based on 31 reviews
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