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4572 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If staying more than two weeks in a country with suspected food or water, go for it! The worst symptoms the average person gets is a day or two of diarrhea (usually none) and you'll find that the local cuisine is always cheaper and better tasting than that found in tourist restaurants. As a plus, your new-found gastronomic freedom will greatly expand your available travel destinations to virtually anywhere in the country, and you'll make more local friends instead of hobnobbing with other tourists.
Markus Demetrius, Retired US Army, Denver, CO, USA
(8) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-05-14)
Current Rating: 5.0 out of 10 based on 11 reviews
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4574 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When eating pizza at a restaurant in Europe, always use a knife and fork, not your hands, or you'll be regarded as a slob with no manners. When in Rome...
Markus Demetrius, Retired US Army, Denver, CO, USA
(8) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-05-14)
Current Rating: 7.6 out of 10 based on 11 reviews
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4591 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When in Southeast Asia, if you decide to get adventurous and eat the steamed grasshoppers - remember to pull off the legs first!
Markus Demetrius, Retired US Army, Denver, CO, USA
(8) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-05-14)
Current Rating: 7 out of 10 based on 10 reviews
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4617 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When in a hurry, take the well-beaten path. When on vacation, take the road less travelled.
Markus Demetrius, Retired US Army, Denver, CO, USA
(8) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-05-14)
Current Rating: 7.0 out of 10 based on 12 reviews
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4698 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The average age of passengers on any cruise ship increases proportional to the distance of the cruise in miles as well as the duration of the cruise in days.
Wankel, Computer analyst
(69) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-06-07)
Current Rating: 7.3 out of 10 based on 11 reviews
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4816 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When arriving at your destination airport, don't stop at the first restroom you find. Everybody else on your flight is going there. Best restroom to visit is the one in Baggage Claim. You're there waiting for your luggage anyway.
Mike, Marginal Know-It-All
(11) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 8.0 out of 10 based on 12 reviews
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4825 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When you check into a hotel room, make sure you flush the toilet before you unpack your Rolex replique pas cher. You'd rather let the front desk know if the toilet doesn't work before you use it.
Dan Strachan, Lobbyist, Annapolis, Maryland, USA
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-09-03)
Current Rating: 7.2 out of 10 based on 11 reviews
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4862 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Both the words LEFT and PORT have only four (4) letters. Right and starboard many more.
Carol Patten, Retired, Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States of America
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-09-28)
Current Rating: 6.6 out of 10 based on 10 reviews
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4876 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Bring your own pillows to hotels if you can. Buy the most colorful pillowcases you can find for them, so you won't forget them. Hotel pillows have been everywhere you can imagine.
Bender Bernder Rodriguez, Proffessional Bender, Chicago, IL, USA
(31) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-09-28)
Current Rating: 6.0 out of 10 based on 12 reviews
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5092 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The average American meal travels 1500 miles to get from the farm to your table.
Scott Parker
(160) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-30)
Current Rating: 5 out of 10 based on 10 reviews
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5130 Travel thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When staying in a hotel use the side of bed that does not have the phone. The mattress will be firmer and less used.
Rob Young
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2010-06-05)
Current Rating: 8.3 out of 10 based on 11 reviews
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