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1727 Religion thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
A church needs 2 acres of parking for every 300 members.
Mary Ellen Parker, retired teacher, Cincinnati, Ohio
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5604 Driving thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Works for car, boat, or plane. If another vehicle looks as though it will cross your path, there will likely be a collision if the vehicle stays in the same visual spot on your windshield as your paths converge.
Paul White, Technical writer, Newport, RI, USA
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2016-10-26)
Current Rating: 7.5 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5603 Computers thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If your computer is more than a year old, don't upgrade the operating system if you can avoid it.
Matthew Butterick, writer
(71) Contributions from this contributor since (2011-01-08)
Current Rating: 8 out of 10 based on 1 reviews
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5602 Bicycles thumb thumb thumb thumb
When bicycling, if the road ahead appears level it is likely a slight incline. When the road ahead appears to be going downhill
Robert Fielder, IT Analyst, Brampton, Ontario, Canada
(6) Contributions from this contributor since (2011-06-02)
Current Rating: 4 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5601 Conversations thumb thumb thumb
signs of interest when talking with someone: where their feet are pointing, how large their pupils are, how much they are blinking and their estimated heart. If their feet are pointing at you, their pupils dilated, a decreased rate of blinking and a higher heart rate, they are probably interested.
Jonah , Student, Philadelphia, PA, USA
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2016-02-17)
Current Rating: 2.5 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5600 Insurance thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
An individual with a family should have sufficient life insurance to replace his income if he dies. Normally, this would be between 10 and 20x annual income. If your annual income is $100,000, say, then you should have between $1 and $2 million in life insurance to replace it for your . Note that $1 million invested at 5% yields $50k a year, and you were making $100k.Social Security would add more, but overall still not enough to replace the lost salary. If you and your spouse have young kids the surviving spouse simply can't have too much money.
Art, Insurance agent, Philadelphia, PA, USA
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2016-04-16)
Current Rating: 5.6 out of 10 based on 3 reviews
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5599 Television thumb
In order to avoid any unoriginal or poorly written episode, change the channel if Penny has short hair.
Wankel, Computer analyst
(69) Contributions from this contributor since (2009-06-07)
Current Rating: 1 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5598 Ages and Stages thumb thumb thumb
Your childhood friends are most likely to take advantage of your home necessary appliances.
Andrius, Kaunas
(11) Contributions from this contributor since (2012-11-19)
Current Rating: 3.3 out of 10 based on 3 reviews
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5597 Telephones thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Don’t like to be on phone hold? If that first option is to hablo Espanol, regardless of your preference, select it. The folks who speak Spanish also speak English so you get through faster since there are fewer requests for Spanish.
Neil J Salkind, LAWRENCE, KS - Kansas, USA
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2014-01-20)
Current Rating: 7 out of 10 based on 4 reviews
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